Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Update on the Potluck

My friend, Lori, reminded me of the perfect Potluck story that I wish I had remembered at the time of the original post.

We used to get together quite a bit in Phoenix and share food, drinks, kids, pools, and great times.  One of our friends who shall remain nameless to protect her grossness, used to make a great cornbread salad and was making it one night for a get together.  As she was stirring, she realized she had lost a fingernail somewhere in the cooking process.  "Oh well," she said.  OMG.  SHE DIDN'T EVEN PRETEND TO LOOK FOR IT.  This is why it is never ok to eat the potluck even with your closest friends.  Lori and I politely passed on the salad that night.  EEEWWWWWW. 

I had another friend who had just started to date this guy and invited him over for a home cooked meal.  He was eating his salad, when he took something out of his mouth and said, "Um, I think this belongs to you."  It was her PURPLE polished fingernail.  They ended up getting married so I guess he wasn't totally freaked out.  A good test though.  If you're not sure about a guy, put your purple polished fingernail in his salad and see how he reacts.  You just might have a keeper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, the potluck at church was always my favorite growing up---now not so much--you have totally ruined it for me going forward! But that's OK, I don't have a life that offers a potluck these days and avoid the church one due to the age of the average attendee--Krys :)