Thursday, December 18, 2008


The kids are out of school today because Las Vegas had a SNOW DAY!  Never mind that we did not have even one flake stick on our side of town.  The last time that Las Vegas had a snow day was 1979.  Crazy!  At our other house in Henderson, there was 6.5 inches. 

Might this be a lesson to those of us who have procrastinated all their final shopping, packing, and various salon appointments until the last minute.  Suddenly, the kids are out of school.  Gasp!  I'm paying Nick to watch Taylor while I go do some of my errands.  She loves it because he plays with her.  Doesn't even matter to her that he's getting paid and part of the deal is that he has to entertain her just like its a real sitting gig.  She just likes to hang with her brother.  Kind of sad. 

Update: We did get to play in the snow on Tuesday and has a snowball fight, snow angel, and requisite tiny snowman.  I'm just a loser and didn't take photos.

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