Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Is it too early to complain? Didn't think so...

I know we haven't seen much of each other lately and I hate to start complaining, but Atlantic City, NJ, could possible be the most miserable entertainment "Mecca" on earth.  Maybe I'm spoiled, but when you go somewhere to have a good time, and spend your money, is it asking too much for a little help from the people who live and work there?  I've decided it is the land of low expectations. 

Your room?  All you hope for is a room with the fewest stains possible.  Hmmmm, didn't get that this time.

trop ac stain

This looks kind of pink in the picture, but it was red.  Blood red.  I guess the chalk marks where the body was outlined came up better than the blood.

Maybe some good lighting to read a book?  Maybe a light at all?  Light bulb?  Shade?  Flashlight?

trop AC 1

Room Service?  Of course we have room service.  Yes, you would need to come to the front desk to get a menu.  Really???  Kind of defeating the purpose of the room service.  If I have to get off my ass to walk the 12 minutes across the casino floor to get to the front desk to pick up a room service menu, I'm probably just going to grab something while I'm out.  However, if I wanted to have pizza delivered, I had a few menus to choose from that graciously landed under my door everyday.

Trop AC

Ok, I can deal with the crappy accommodations but do you have to be so freaking rude?  EVERYONE is hateful.  It starts the second the airline wheels touch the ground in New Jersey.  The toll booth guy acts like he could just eat off your arm as you extend it with the money as quickly as possible.  The sign says, "Welcome to New Jersey - Now go Home."

Ask anyone who lives there or has lived there.  There is something different about the Jersey temperament than the temperament of other states.  They aren't bad people - just rude.  Mean.  More irritable. 

Everyone is always so surprised when they come to Vegas and everyone is so nice.  OF COURSE WE ARE NICE.  WE WANT YOUR MONEY!  SEE HOW EASY THAT IS???????????????????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
