Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Expense Reports

I spent most of the day yesterday doing my expense reports for the past month.  Oh, I know that if I did them weekly, it wouldn't be such a huge task.  It first starts with digging through all my bags looking for crumpled receipts, then trying to navigate the incredibly complicated form provided by my company.  When you entertain someone, you have to provide their name, title, company, whether it was dinner, lunch, breakfast, or drinks.  Oh, and the last thing is what was actually discussed during the entertaining.  I had a quick chuckle last night remembering some of the conversations while I was watering these guys during the trade show.  So, on the form under business discussed, should I put down what was truly discussed?  If I recall, two guys were talking about how one of my competitors let these guys suck her toes.  Is that what they are after?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just what they are looking for--making sure the Customers were drunk enough on the company $$ to talk about things they normally wouldn't talk about--charge is jsutified.--Krys