Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 2 - South Beach

Just wanted to give you a quick update on Day 2 and into Day 3.  So far, I have lost 4 pounds.  Now, I realize most of that is water, but whatever.  I'll take it.  I have been dealing with a headache for the past 5 days, even before the diet, but the detox off the sugar and wine is making it worse.  I think I am kind of sick and I'm sure that is where this headache is coming from.  Plus, I have this lovely cold sore which is an indication that something isn't right.  So very, very, tired of those. 

On a lighter note, Pam has lost 6 pounds in one week.  Awesome! 

Haven't cheated even though the kids have had pasta, popcorn, oatmeal, etc.  It's hard not to taste while you're cooking, but I'm making it work.  Stupid kids.  Probably why I'm fat in the first place.  Looking forward to making it off the first two weeks and getting rid of the sugar cravings.  There should be a sugar methadone clinic where you could go for a quick hit of a relief.  Maybe the opportunity to eat one ear off of a chocolate Easter bunny.  Mmmmmmmmm, bunnies.

Need to train.  I feel a bit weak for training, but promised myself I would work that in sometime tonight.  Or a nap.  Can't decide.  Only 14 weeks away from the race and really need to start the program.  You know they have Yoga (Bikram) that is done is a really warm environment.  Why not swimming?  Wouldn't it be nice to work out in a pool that was about 88 degrees?  I hate getting in the water when it's so cold outside and then so cold in the water.  The warm pool is the answer.  So you sweat a little in the water.  Who cares?  It washes right off. 


Anonymous said...

Welcome back my friend--hate to say this but I lost 2 lbs. over the holidays. I recommend getting yourself a 4 yr old and a 1 yr old so you just don't have any time for yourself except when they are at the gym daycare--it really makes you stay a little longer, if only to read the paper and a magazine on the treadmill. However, I did not workout the last 2 weeks except 3 times but traveled, trouble shot kids from 2-4:30 am on NYE and seriously had difficulty in finding times to eat a full meal. Not like me as my Mom and me are usually planning our next meal while eating the one before it. Will continue my same regime with hopes that 5 more lbs. will mysteriously dissappear. --Krys

Melissa said...

Hmmmmmm, starve myself or get a 4 year old and 1 year old. Going to have to think that one over.