Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Teaching children important things from your past

Our cat, Enzo, is obese.  I said it.  We've tried to do interventions.  We've hired personal trainers, we've tried drugs, food restrictions, nutritional experts, but the cat refuses to change. He loves his fat.  He owns it.  He's made it his own.  We are done trying to help.  We love our fat cat, and since he is almost 14, he seems to be fine.  Enzo was running through the house which makes his fat swing from side to side.  Taylor commented that he could use a sports bra.  For some reason, that triggered a childhood song which I shared with the children.  I would like to thank Brad Steck for teaching this to me:

Do your boobs hang low, do they wobble to and fro

Can you tie them in a knot, can you tie them in a bow

Can you throw them over your shoulder like a Continental soldier

Do you boobs hang low.

After I belted this out, both kids looked at me with empty stares.  No one knew quite what to say. 

My work here is done.


Alexis Naomi said...

LOL!!!! This one had me in tears!!Laughing so hard!!! Anyway, was thinking about your offer to be a guest blogger and haven't come up with anything good yet! One thought crossed my mind yesterday, and I have to say it is a really good memory of your mom, Taylor giving you the "oh mom that looks like Target" You should tell her that you could be mowing the lawn in dark blue pantyhose and shorts!!!Not to talk bad about Maxine because she was always good to me, but that memory sticks out forever in my head!(My legs aren't very good at this point, however, never will I wear pantyhose while I am mowing!!)LOL!!Love to you and your family!Alexis

Melissa said...

That's so funny. I had forgotten the mowing uniform. What a shit child I was for making the woman mow!

Anonymous said...

OK that song was a regular in our family and really makes much more sense now that we are all older and have had children. I am sure Ginny can confirm the frequency that we all sang this little ditty.--Krys

Anne Brown said...

OMG as I read it I actually could hear Bev singing it so when I read Krys' comment I totally cracked up! Tell Enzo I know exactly how he feels - my fat loves me too and when I think I'm rid of it, it sneaks back in the middle of the night and attaches itself firmly to my gut!