Monday, February 23, 2009

Guests and Fish (and Ducks)

Ben Franklin said, "Guests, like fish, begin to smell in three days."  This man never had ducks.  About two weeks ago, we had a couple of visitors:




It was always a male and female and they were interesting to watch, and cute.  Who doesn't like ducks?  While I was out of town last week, Robert said they came back and brought a couple of friends.  I like to think that my pool is G-Rated, but I think they may view our backyard oasis as The Grotto at the Playboy Mansion.  So, we kind of enjoyed our visitors and let them party at their leisure until I noticed that they were not picking up after themselves.  Oh, and we aren't charging them anything and never asked for a deposit. 

This is how they repay our generosity:

duck poo

duck pool around pool

My pool is cleaned every Tuesday.  The poor pool guy doesn't know what he's in for this week.

duck poo in pool

Now I don't know what this duck ate for lunch, but he has a serious GI problem.

duck gi problem

I'm thinking he should probably schedule himself for a scope because this is just not right.  If anyone has any ideas how to get rid of unwanted Grotto guests, please let me know.  Those ideas should not involve a firearm of any kind, because they are still really cute even if they are disgusting.


Anonymous said...

THat last picture looks like a melted Hershey's kiss? This is not a new problem for you with the ducks except now they leave 'report'. Krys

SJC said...

You have a pool? I'm coming to stay at your house!

Melissa said...

You can come anytime, my friend.

Anonymous said...

I have two words for you "Air Horn". Your neighbors will take a while to recover but the ducks will be gone. Either that or throw stale bread in your neighbors yard/pool and hope they go live over there!

Anonymous said...

Gin Wah -
Aren't you the genius? I always have lots of molded bread.