I took Taylor for a little retail therapy Monday because she was depressed about getting a flu shot. Yup, life is hard. Anyway, they were playing Christmas music at the store. IT'S VETERAN'S DAY! Seriously, isn't 6 weeks just pushing the friendship? I love Bing and the boys as much as the next person, and I even listen in the car, but not 2 weeks before Thanksgiving. I'm already knee deep in the holiday myself and it's making me crazy.
Bear with me, this is long. My friend was out for a holiday party a couple of years ago, liked my Christmas decorations, and mentioned it to a photographer friend of hers that works for a local magazine. So, she told her editor and they asked me to decorate the house for a piece on the holidays. Here's the kicker, the print deadline was November 5th, so everything had to be done by the 3rd. So, we frantically took down the tombstones and threw up the wreaths. I will post all the photos as soon as I receive them from her, but here are a couple.
Ok, so you can't see much and the lighting isn't great.
Each year, I really enjoy putting up the Christmas decorations. I like to look through all the ornaments, reminisce, be creative, and I like the way the house transforms. This year, not so much. It was a chore, and no one helped. Who could blame them? No one was in the mood. Everyone is still sifting through their Halloween candy. I also decorate with tons of fresh greenery, wreaths and poinsettias. News flash for those of you who might be thinking of doing this next year in hopes of freeing up a weekend in December: They don't have fresh poinsettias and wreaths in early November. So, I had to use fake. Ew. Nothing worse then a fake poinsettia except the kind with all the glitter on them. I was Grandma on steroids. The only excuse for the fake poinsettia is to avoid your animals eating them because they are supposed to be toxic. Trust me, the cat ate at least two whole plants last year and is still here to talk about it. It didn't even make him sick. I'm convinced that cat will still be around in another thirty years.
Now that the decorations are up, it's time to gear up for the holiday, because the decorations are up. Isn't that how it works? I've been pressuring everyone about what they want for Christmas and have given ideas for myself. Please write for a complete list. I was getting stressed that I wasn't further along in my shopping when I'm reminded that it's just mid-November. With the decorations and the music, and the travel plans, and the shopping lists, and the Christmas eve food plans, and the shipping dates, and the outdoor lights to be hung, it certainly feels like Christmas. Thing is, I may have already worn out the holiday. I've decided not to turn on the lights on the trees or move around the Elf on the Shelf, or do any more stressing about it until Thanksgiving. Two weeks of stress-free Christmas coming up. I will say, however, that I'm looking forward to freeing up my Thanksgiving weekend to shop instead of putting up all the decorations. I'm so ahead of the game.
So, you slackers, Thanksgiving is only two weeks away. LET'S SEE THOSE SANTAS!! Stress yourself out about Christmas before Thanksgiving, just like me!