Monday, December 15, 2008

Hell has frozen over

Well, it's official.  Hell has frozen over.  It's snowing right here in Sin City.  Not too exciting for those of you who live in the Midwest, North,  East, or Mountain region, but we're pretty excited.  I would take a picture but it might be hard to pick out the flakes.  We all know it won't stick but visions of snowmen are in the eyes of every small child trying to concentrate at school today.  You know, it's funny because we get all excited when it rains, or best yet, snows.  It has only snowed here 3 times in the 5+ years I've lived here and only produced a snowman once.  It was a said, little pathetic creature standing only about 6 inches high, but we made him.  We love it when the weather changes.  NO MORE FREAKIN SUN, PLEASE.  Some of you would probably love a full-on sunny day in the 50's. 

I did some more baking over the weekend.  I'm at about a 50% success rate.  I'm a pretty good cook, but that baking stuff is more scientific.  Case in point.  I was baking some Rosemary Butter Cookies, put them into the oven and then decided that precise moment was a good time to take Nick to the movies.  I was back in 25 minutes but they were black.  I have no instinct when it comes to baking, but I am convinced it must be done alone with no distractions.  My lemon bars tasted good but there is a crack the size of the Grand Canyon running down the middle.  I think my New Year's resolution might be to take a couple of baking classes.

I also have a new triathlon I'm getting ready to train for with a very serious purpose which I will explain later.

Hopefully, I will take a post a photo of my snowman.

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