Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Spirit alive and well at Albertsons

I just returned from my daily trip to Albertsons, where I had the most amazing display of Christmas Spirit bestowed upon me.  I was in the Express Lane with 2 people behind me and had started to put my items on the belt when April, the checker, asked if I had under 15 items.  I said that I thought so.  She said, "It is clear to me that you have more than 15 items and you need to go to the next lane."  I'm always somewhat shocked when crap like this happens.  So I gather up my items, wait for the people behind me have to back out so I can get through, and move to the next line.  After waiting for 7 minutes, I unload my items and count how many I have.  Effing 14.  Bitch.  Merry Freakin Christmas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would have sweetly invited April to count my items. Then enjoy her trip to hell.