Monday, August 10, 2009

4 years 3 months but may end very soon...

I received an email from Krys today about a conversion with her 4- year-old daughter, Sofia, that took place yesterday.

Sofia:  You're fat, Mom.

Krys:  Whaddya mean?

Sofia:   Just look at yourself.

Now, Krys is not at all overweight.  Never has been.  In fact, she weighs 3 pounds less than she did before she became pregnant with Vanessa.  Krys told Sofia that she had hurt Mommy's feelings. 

Today, when Sofia didn't want to go to the gym this morning, Krys said had to go so she could lose weight.

Sofia:  Yeah, we better go.


Another example of why animals eat their young.

1 comment:

Tara said...

HAHAHAHAH, that is sooo funny!!!