The honeymoon phase lasted longer than most. Almost two years. Yes, we all know how it was in the beginning. You get a little spark when you see him. You still are amazed at what he can actually do for you. He brings you pure joy. You are proud to have him by your side. In those two years, there was only one major issue but it was totally my fault. All was forgiven. In a new relationship, you tend to be less demanding and more forgiving but all that was unnecessary as he gave you everything you could have wanted and more. You constantly raved to your friends over the utter perfection and watch as they surreptitiously roll their eyes in unbelieving disgust. Then it begins. A few annoying things start to crop up, but you tend to overlook those because of all the other wonderful features. After two years of bliss, you wonder if it might be time for an upgrade. Not leaving the family, but just contemplating a newer model. Maybe the younger brother. So, I took the plunge. I upgraded my iPhone to the new fancy 3G model.
MY LIFE HAS NEVER BEEN SO MISERABLE (technologically speaking). I think they do this on purpose. They suck you in with this great little device, make it to where it would be really hard to live without, and then pull the rug out after you have dropped another couple of hundreds of dollars. Now, to be fair to the new guy, I'm pretty sure it is the 3G network. I never had an issue with the first gen phone. This one, OMG. First of all, I can't get a call when I'm in the house. So, I'm slowly training people to call the house phone if they think I might be home. You can see how this is working well. Basically, my friends and family must be somewhat psychic to talk to me. If they do call on my iPhone, I can go outside to the top of the pool area, out in the open and not under the tree, and can hear for about 4 minutes. After that, all bets are off. You can imagine how much fun this is when it is 110 degrees outside, which it's been for the past month. The dropped calls are staggering. I don't remember having this poor of service when I had my bag phone.
So, not only is the honeymoon over, but the love affair could be over as well. Is it time to throw in the towel?
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