Friday, April 24, 2009

The Maxine Gene

Robert:  Looks like the Craigslist killer is on suicide watch.  They found shoelace marks around his neck.  His fiancee said...

Me (interrupting): Beyonce?  What does Beyonce have to do with any of this?  I think it is so irritating when celebrities inject their opinion into every issue.

Robert:  Beyonce?  I said fiancee, Grandma. 

Me:  Oh.  Sorry.


Sometimes, I think I'm a pretty smart chick.  Sometimes, the Maxine gene comes roaring in and I look like a total idiot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Next Dr. appt. -- Ear doctor--get those ears checked!

Or perhaps you have selective listening like my children, only hearing part of the conversation unless it, "Do you want a cookie?"--Krys