Monday, September 7, 2009


See how things work?  Not just a few short hours from my previous post of scientific research than comes a blessing of ginormous proportions.  Apparently, and we are accepting this one, scientists have followed 2,800-plus people and have concluded that small thigh circumference is associated with a bigger risk of heart disease and premature death.  This effect was independent of body fat percentage and BMI.

See justification here:  Http://

If you really read this, it does spell out a few disclaimers, but I would just go with it.  Yes, there might be more muscle, blah, blah, blah, but there could be a million reasons why.  There is hope, my friends.  Big thighs are going to save you from an early death.  Don't fret again as you shove the last french fry in your mouth - it could actually save your life.  

1 comment:

Anne said...

Where are you and why aren't you posting to your blog? One of your fans misses you!