Tuesday, March 3, 2009


OMG can you believe how much time working takes up in your day?  I can't do anything I used to do.  My training is suffering, my cooking is suffering, my laundry is hanging from the rafters, and I'm not sure where my children are and if they need to be picked up.  PLUS, my blog is really suffering, as you know.  Now don't think I'm some Princess who just had to go to work for the first time in her life.  I have been working officially since I was 16.  On my 16th birthday, my Mom said, "So, when are you going to get a job?"  Luckily, my brother-in-law bailed me out with a hook up to Wendy's.  I flipped fries with the best of them.  I worked my ass off on that job sometimes not getting home until 1:00 am on a school night.  One night the manager made us stay late cleaning the grills on a school night and I fell asleep driving home.  I had just pulled into my little street and woke up when I hit the curb.  No one was hurt.  Nothing was wrecked.  But, by God, those grills were clean.  Seriously, is there any worse human than the 30-something fast food manager?  In the 80's, there was no World of Warcraft or Halo outlet.  Just poor, young teenagers trying to make a buck or two, and he took it out on us.  My usual train of thought is that video games are evil, but I'm thinking my life may have been enhanced with Call of Duty available to the Wendy's manager in 1985.

I used to have this working thing so dialed in.  I was able to deal with high-level strategic decisions, make sure my kids were where they needed to be, cook dinner, bake cupcakes for the holiday party at school, take the car in for service, get waxed, nails done, hair cut and colored, little injectables, and still keep the weight off.  I'm not doing any of that now.  My job does not contain any of the stress I used to have.  I have one nail hanging on for dear life with round 4 of super glue.  The kids are pissed because they have to wait at their pick up location. My hair looks like crap because it hasn't been out of a ponytail in two years, and I'm still fat.  I'M DOING IT WRONG!!  I'm hoping it will all come back to me soon because I haven't really been back in the groove.  I forget to call people back (Marsha).  I promise, tomorrow.  Hope you're done with your laundry you needed to move along, and yes, Nick found his pants.

Please just hang in there with me.  We can do it!  I will get it together and not feel so overwhelmed and be able to multi-task as all of you do each and every day.  I'm just out of practice.  Think of me in spring training.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Since I'm already screwed, I'm going on a weird fad diet. Will report as I go.  It includes no wine.  The old me would be constructing a noose with various fabrics left around the house to intertwine in a fine tapestry worthy of nooseness.  The new me is too lazy overwhelmed to even think about the energy necessary to pull something like that off.  If you have any awesome time-management skills or just a little advice for someone who has been out of the game for awhile, that would be great.  I'm thinking I need a little help with this one!!


Anonymous said...

Lets look at this another way. You used to be superwoman but now you are average. You were an overachiever because you were new to the game. Now you just want to achieve. Lower your expectations and you can once again overachieve with the best of them!
Always another perspective,

Anonymous said...

Just want you to know I really enjoy your blog and have missed you since you started working! Hang in there and I'm sure you'll manage to pull it together soon. Keep your workouts if you can because "they" say exercising gives us energy!
