Monday, January 25, 2010

Compliment of Lori this morning...


I am passing this on to you because it definitely works and we
Could all use a little more calmness in our lives. By following simple
Advice heard on the Oprah show, you too can find inner peace.
Dr. Oz proclaimed, 'The way to achieve inner peace is to finish
All the things you have started and have never finished.'
So..., I looked around my house to see all the things I started and
Hadn't finished, and before leaving the house this morning, I finished
Off a bottle of White Zinfandel, a bottle of Tequila, a package of
Oreos, the remainder of my old Prozac prescription, the rest of the
Cheesecake, some Doritos, and a box of chocolates. You have no idea how
Freaking good I feel right now.
Pass this on if you know anyone you think might be in need of
Inner peace.

Monday, January 18, 2010

South Beach Day 14

Today is the last day of Phase I.  I lost 8 pounds in two weeks.  Not too shabby.  Didn't cheat on the sugar part, and only had carbs with my sushi one night.  Other than that, I did pretty well.  Are the sugar cravings over?  Hmmmm, not so much.  The headache is gone, but I could rip into a cupcake if it were in front of me.  Now, I didn't exercise much.  Really, only two days.  The last time was in Arizona.  I had a couple of hours before a dinner and decided I would jump on the treadmill.  I worked out for 1 hour, then headed back to my room.  Swipe, swipe, swipe, nothing.  Went back for 3 more keys, and none worked.  The card reader was broken.  Ok, so how do we fix it?  No one knew.  The maintence guy was at school, and didn't get out for 3 hours.  Now, I had my phone, my earphones, and my sweaty ass and that was it.  Everything else I owned was locked in the room.  Purse, room keys, money.  Anything that would have enabled me to eat.  When you're on a diet like this, food timing is imperative.  I knew how long I could work out, time to get ready, and get to food before I started to look for small animals to eat.  He shows up at 8:30 to get into my room.  His trick?  A wire under the door which he latched around the handle inside the room.  Doesn't that make you feel safe?  The best part?  THEY DIDN'T EVEN COMP MY ROOM!  The Holiday Inn Express Tucson is off my list. 

So, 12 more pounds to go.  I don't expect it to come off as quickly as before since you start reintroducing foods into your diet.  Need to exercise.  Hearing great things about P90X.  Anyone know anything about it????

Monday, January 11, 2010

South Beach - Beginning of Day 7

On my way to Arizona for the week so postings might be light, or non-existent.  I'm still at 5.5 pounds, but have not cheated.  This will be the true test - traveling.

Have a great week!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 5 - South Beach

Nothin.  Not a thing.  No weight loss.  Nothin.

After the day I had yesterday, you would think I would have been rewarded with at least a half pound.  I didn't cheat.  So, this is Day 5.  That's 5 days without sugar, alcohol, and I think I've eaten more vegetables this week than I have in my entire life. 

Last night, Robert came home late from work (big shock).  He's been going out to eat most of the week, and since I hadn't heard from him until 7:30, I assumed he was going out again.  He gets home about 9 and wonders what is for dinner.  Little did he know the big surprise in store.  I had made Southbeach Shepard's Pie.  Basically, it is low-fat ground beef, edamame, onions, and their "surprise" mashed potatoes (cauliflower) on the top.  Robert is a huge food snob, so I made sure I told him that this was sustenance food, not food  food.

He took one bite and said, "I think I would rather die early."  Nice.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 4 - South Beach

Had a little melt down today.  Had to call Pam for reinforcement, and after she assured me that she didn't do well in Day 4, I felt a little better.  The good news is that I have lost 5 pounds.  Only 15 to go!  The bad news is that I almost assaulted a waitress today at TGI Fridays who happened to walk by me with a piece of cake.  I know these sugar cravings are supposed to go away, but geez.  I had to take a customer out to lunch today and we went to Fridays because it was on property. 

Today, I became one of "those" people.  Me ordering:  Yes, I will have the Raspberry and Pear Grilled Chicken Salad, but could you hold the raspberries, and the pear, and put the dressing on the side?  In fact, don't even bring the dressing, thanks.  Ugh.  Don't you hate those people?  She just looks at me and says, "So, you basically want the chicken and the lettuce."  Yup.  That's my life now.  The skinny bastard I was eating with had chips.  The good, homemade chips.  RIGHT NEXT TO ME!  I wanted to ask him if I could have one just to lick, but it seemed somewhat inappropriate at the time.  Looking back on it, I wish I had asked to lick the chip.  Right now, I would give anything to lick a chip.

Just a word of advice, when you are on a strict diet that is taking away everything you hold dear (wine and sugar), sales is not a great profession.  The rejection is huge.  Usually, I can blow it off.  Today I cried.  CAN SOMEONE JUST BUY MY STINKIN SLOT MACHINE?  IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?  MAKE A STARVIN GIRL HAPPY?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 2 - South Beach

Just wanted to give you a quick update on Day 2 and into Day 3.  So far, I have lost 4 pounds.  Now, I realize most of that is water, but whatever.  I'll take it.  I have been dealing with a headache for the past 5 days, even before the diet, but the detox off the sugar and wine is making it worse.  I think I am kind of sick and I'm sure that is where this headache is coming from.  Plus, I have this lovely cold sore which is an indication that something isn't right.  So very, very, tired of those. 

On a lighter note, Pam has lost 6 pounds in one week.  Awesome! 

Haven't cheated even though the kids have had pasta, popcorn, oatmeal, etc.  It's hard not to taste while you're cooking, but I'm making it work.  Stupid kids.  Probably why I'm fat in the first place.  Looking forward to making it off the first two weeks and getting rid of the sugar cravings.  There should be a sugar methadone clinic where you could go for a quick hit of a relief.  Maybe the opportunity to eat one ear off of a chocolate Easter bunny.  Mmmmmmmmm, bunnies.

Need to train.  I feel a bit weak for training, but promised myself I would work that in sometime tonight.  Or a nap.  Can't decide.  Only 14 weeks away from the race and really need to start the program.  You know they have Yoga (Bikram) that is done is a really warm environment.  Why not swimming?  Wouldn't it be nice to work out in a pool that was about 88 degrees?  I hate getting in the water when it's so cold outside and then so cold in the water.  The warm pool is the answer.  So you sweat a little in the water.  Who cares?  It washes right off. 

Year-End Statements

The following is the dialogue as we were watching a movie on TV the other night:

Lady on TV: I don't know what we are going to do.  Just look at these year-end statements.

Taylor: Urine statement?  What's a urine statement?

Me: Year-End Statement

Man, that kid is funny.  She's going to make me a lot of money one day.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 1 - South Beach

I woke up feeling really crappy.  I was so cold and couldn't get warmed up, and I was a little sick to my stomach.  I went back to bed after I dropped off the kids for an hour and seem to be recovering.  I made these little quiche things that were in the SB book, and I thought they were disgusting.  I can make them better and will.  I would rather have no cheese then a fat-free cheese.  Yuck.  Also, not a big fan of things processed, and the cheese seems so fake.  Not like the deliciousness of, say, Velveeta.  That cheese is not processed at all.  Nope.  Not at all.  Mmmmmmmm, Velveeta.

Kraft introduced Velveeta process cheese loaf in 1928 describing it as: "A delicious Cheese Food consisting of Kraft Process American Cheese with added milk sugar, milk minerals and water."  Wow, I'll say it's delicious.  Kraft won't actually tell you how they make it or exactly what goes into it.  I, for one, don't want to know. 

There is a stigma about Velveeta.  I always feel a bit sheepish about reaching for the big loaf and plopping it into my cart.  Also, it is always in the weirdest places in the grocery store.  No one seems to know how to classify it since it is cheese, but doesn't need refrigeration.  When I get home with my loaf, I always hide it behind the cereal boxes.  Just in case some foodie examines my pantry and busts me with the goods.  I have a couple of recipes that ONLY works with Velveeta.  When people ask what kind of cheese is in the recipe, I reply that it is usually a blend of cheeses.  No lie.  That's what Kraft says.  I've tried other cheeses, and they don't compare, so I am a purchaser, but probably only buy 2 loafs per year. However, there are those that embrace their relationship with Velveeta. About 5% of the population buys about 75% of all Velveeta sold in the United States.  I personally know several of them.

Funny how I go from talking about diet food right on to Velveeta.  It explains so much.  I didn't cheat today, but wasn't able to work out do to aforementioned crappy feeling, but will let you know the results in the morning.

Happy Dieting!

This is usually about the time that I pour my first glass of wine.  Sigh.